indian cinema heritage foundation

Alingan (1974)

  • Release Date1974
  • GenreRomance
  • FormatColor
  • LanguageHindi
  • Length4035.86 meters
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate NumberU-74676-MUM
  • Certificate Date27/03/1974

This is the story of a helpless mother who re-marries for the sake of her child and when she discovers that the man is going to ruin her children's happiness, takes a terrible revenge on him.

This is the story of a beautiful girl who is on the run from a certain fear. She has the courage to save her trembling young body while in her lover's embrace but falls a victim to her step-father's carnal desires.

This is the story of a young Naval Officer who is ready to lay down his life for his motherland. When the situation demands, he has the courage to break all the social and moral traditions to save the life of his beloved.

This is the story of a brave mother whose husband, sons and brother laid down their lives for their country. When she hears about the death of her young son in the war, she illuminates her house with lamps.

This is the story of a scheming step-father who marries a woman in order to possess the young body of her daughter.

This is the story of a lovable photographer who makes the world around him laugh with his jokes while his heart cries in silence.

This is the story of two playful modern girls who prove good friends when the time comes.

This is the story of innocent love between brother and sister who are forced to live away from each other.



Films by the same director